Basic information
- Name
- Age
- Profession:
Real Estate
- City
Long Island New York
- Country
- About me:
I like literature, critical theory, local music and shows comedys, the Criterion Collection, cooking with ingredients most people have never even heard of, , Virginia Woolf, 4 Barrel Coffee or a good wine, Baudrillard, pretending that I don’t love the band Journey and Juanias , attempting to local my zen state, and sleeping in past nine then having coffee on Sundays.
- Things I am looking for in a person are:
My perfect match is an attractive woman who can keep up with me intellectually and conversationally but who doesn’t do so by being pushy or a bully. I really don’t like mean or intolerant people. Matching political/religious views are a plus, but hardly necessary. I suppose my perfect girl is between 28 and 37 My perfect match is an attractive woman who can keep up with me intellectually and conversationally but who doesn’t do so by being pushy or a bully. I really don’t like mean or intolerant people. Matching political/religious views are a plus, but hardly necessary.