
@sankojin Active 6 months ago


Profile picture of Jesse
  • Basic information





    3D artist


    San Diego


    United States

    About me:

    No estoy seguro en donde empezar. Pienso que es un pocito complicado hablar de siguo mismo. Pienso que cada persona con cual tu te encuentras va a tener una difrente idea de quien tu eres y cuanto te quieren. Voy a hacer lo mejor para contarte de mi de la persepectiva de mis amigos y que ellos diran de mi. Soy muy honesto y carinoso. Siempre veo lo bueno primero en las personas. Soy confiable. Soy un caballero. Mi madre me enseno de respectar todas las mujeres. Que un hombre deberia abrir las puertas para las mujeres y siempre tratarlos como damas.

    Estuve por 12 anos en el militar y por eso ya he visto casi todo el mundo. En este tiempo he aprendido muchas cosas y tenia muchas experiencas en la vida.

    Una coasa que he aprendido is que quiero en la vida.

    Yo quiero tener una familia y una mujer yo puedo amar con todo mi ser. Eso es la razon porque estoy aqui en esta pagina. Quiero encontrar mi companera de vida. Quiero encontrar una mujer que puedo respectar con todo mi corazon y alma para hacerla la mas feliz mujer del mundo.

    I am not really sure where I should start. I think its hard to talk about your self and not make your self sound amazing. Each person that meets you will have a different idea of who you are and how much they like you. So I will do my best to tell you about me from the prospective of my friends and what they would say about me. I am a very honest and caring person. I always see the good in people first. I am trusting and always try to give people the benefit of believing what they tell me. I am a gentleman. My mom raised me to respect women most of all. That men should open doors for women and always treat them like ladies. I was in the military for 12 years and because of that I have seen most of the world. In that time I have learned many things and have had many experiences in life. One thing that I have learned is what I want in life. I want to have a family and a wife I can love with all of my being. So that is why I am here today on this site. I want to find my second half in life. I want to find a woman that I can respect with all of my heart and soul making her the happiest woman on earth.

    Things I am looking for in a person are:

    Estoy buscando alguien que tiene un gran corazon. Alguien que sepa como amar y ser amado. Quiero una mujer que cuida su cuerpo con comer sano y hacer ejercicios. Tambien me encantan las mujeres con el cabello largo. Me gustaria una mujer con una buena personalidad. Alguien que se va al cinema conmiguo y que no tenga miedo de reeirse de cosas estupidas porque puede ser chistoso.

    Espero de encontrar una mujer que quiere empezar una familia y que me deja tratarla como una princesa. Me alegro de encontrar una mujer para quedar el resto de mi vida con ella.

    Asi que contactame y podemos descubrir si estamos hecho para un futuro los dos.

    I am looking for someone that has a big heart. Someone that knows how to love and be loved. I want a woman that treat her body well by eating right and working out. I also like women with longer hair. I want to meet a woman that has a good personality. Someone that likes going to the movies with me and isn’t afraid to laugh at silly things as I my self can be silly. I hope to meet a woman that wants to start a family and allows me to treat her like a princess. I’m looking to meet the woman that I will spend the rest of my life with. So get to know me and lets find out if we are meant to be together.

Concerns or questions?

Please contact us in case you have a question regarding our services. CALL US AT: 347-983-0204 (U.S) Thank you!

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