The Reality of Online Dating!

Many of us have tried many free and paid online dating site, with little to no results.
In fact the most men and women are not successful when joining online dating sites.
We have heard a lot of stories from both of our male and female members, which were members
of other dating sites before.

In following article we want to show you, the reasons why most online dating site users fail to get any feedback or valuable long lasting contacts.

1. You don´t have a profile picture:

Online it´s all about photos and videos in the first place.
Many guys still think they can get feedback without photos.
If you don´t upload any photo, or any real picture of you, you can not expect to get any feedback from the ladies.
By the way, 95% of the ladies on normal dating sites just don´t bother to browse profiles of male members or even send them messages,
and if they contact you its because they later turn out to be “gold diggers”.
This is because free dating sites do not vertify their members.
All female members of are verified.
The most important thing  that both men and women notice first is the picture.
It is better to upload various pictures.
Some people upload pictures, which don´t show them “from their best side”, which is unfortunate. Imagine that the only impression single women get from you is from your picture. Some great photos where you`re smiling and doing some activities you enjoy would be ideal.

2. Profile information.

Some women actually read what you write in your profile!
Make yourself interesting, be precise about what you are looking for but please be honest.

3. You are never online.

If you are on a 9 to 5 dating site and you want results you have to invest a lot of time!
On most online dating sites, the members can see that you are online.
If you are never online, the women on the website just don´t know that you exist.

4. Your messages are too long or too short.

Your message to the ladies shouldn´t be too long, nor too short. In the most cases 1 sentence is too short.
If the message is too long the women just dont bother reading it.
It is ok to use the same text and send it to several women.
But make it look as if your text is soley dedicated to her.
In fact, if you are on a dating site with millions of members, you
should send about 50 to 100 messages a day to get 1 or 2 responses.
Do you have the time to do that?

5. You are on a dating website which just has too many members!

Joining a website with thousands or millions of members isn´t always good.
Women on sites like POF, if they are not too ugly, receive about 100 – 400 messages a day! Every day!
This is a fact. Can you imagine that your message just goes under and  is not even read?
When women join this sites they are bombarded with about 300 messages a day,
and simply loose interest after the 2nd day. In some cases they delete their profiles, or in most cases they don´t even delete it.
This is the reality.

This is just unfortunate for both, men and women, because the messages from the guys are ignored in about 98% of the cases and the women are  overwhelmed with too many messages. doesnt have millions of members, thus its much more manageable
for both male and female members.

6. Many foreign women on international dating sites are just looking for some money.

If you´ve given up dating women from your country and if you are insterested in dating a foreign lady
you will have come across gold diggers (for example the infamous nigerian online-crooks ).
In the most cases her father is in the hospital and she needs some money.
If you do send the money or not, in both cases these ladies will just block you on skype afterwards.


The upper mentioned factors make it diffcult to generate any results from “normal” “popular” Online Dating Sites.

The vast mayority of popular Dating Sites have been created soley to generate money, but NOT to help an individual to actually find a partner

Since our female members have to verify themselves, our system is not attractive for gold diggers.
Because our female members also have to accept our terms of use, they know that their profile will be deleted and banned immediately if they violate our terms.
We try to have only women with true intentions on the site. This means, women that are seeking a serious relationship with a foreign man. We are in contact as much as we can with our female members.

In fact mycolombianwife´s system guarantees that there will be always much more female members that male members.
This is a huge advantage for our male clients. Our actual men to women ratio is: 1 : 5.

We will actively support you in many ways to increase the odds that you will find the right partner.

If you do not have the time to look for women online and exchange endless letters,
with out VIP TOUR you have the opportunity to meet 7 – 18 Colombian Single Ladies of your criteria and that have expressed interest in getting to know you personally in Colombia.


Concerns or questions?

Please contact us in case you have a question regarding our services. CALL US AT: 347-983-0204 (U.S) Thank you!

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