Do you have a plan dating Latina women in Colombia ?
Learn which are the most Important Questions to ask these ladies.
Some gentlemen that use our Personal Matchmaking Tour in Colombia, wonder which questions they should ask these Colombian Latina women during the dates.
Thanks to our long year experience in working this Colombian Single ladies, we created following list, to save our clients time and make every date as efficient as possible.
Please take in mind, that if you use our service it will save you extra time, or rather said it will not be necessary to ask your date ALL of these questions, beause with our tour you will only meet pre-screen Colombian Latina women of YOUR criteria.
The most common criteria of our clients are:
“Age range”
“Women with or without kids”
“Women that want or do not want more kids”
95 % of our Colombian Single Ladies are ready to relocate to an other country.
The following is a list of the most important questions to when dating Latina women in Colombia or any other Latin country :

latina woman Colombia
What are your hobbies ?
What is your job ?
Do you currently work ?
If you do not work, who pays for your expenses?
Do you study ? What do you study ?
Are you willing to work in the U.S. ?
An extraordinary percentage of our Colombian ladies ( from Bogota ) have studied at a University and have jobs.

Beautiful latina woman from Colombia
English skills
Do you speak English?
Even though many of our Colombian Single ladies are well educated ( for Colombian standarts ) It doesn´t mean that they also speak English. The educational level in Colombia is generally low and it is rare to find someone speaking English fluently, or speaking English at all.
Would you be willing to improve your English skills are soon as possible when you are living in the U.S. ?
Would you be willing to learn English assoon as possible if you would be living in the U.S. ?
Keep in mind:
Your potential Colombian fiance can already start learning / improving her English skills if you finance her private English lessons in Colombia, even BEFORE she gets to the U.S.

Sexy latina woman from Colombia
Where do you live?
Your current living situation is?
Due to the low salaries and the high cost of living and rent, most Colombian girls are forced to live together with their family and grandparents in the same house or appartment. Only very few Colombian girls from wealthier families do live alone.
In which barrio ( neighboorhood ) do you live ?
Depending on where exactly she lives de can determine her social status and finacial situation.
There are 6 social sectors in Bogota, where 1 if the lowest and 6 the highest.
At try only working with middle to upper class Colombian ladies.
Do you have children ?
Be informed that due to lack of sexual education many Colombian girls do already have at least 1 child. Abortion is still illegal in Colombia.
If yes, how many ?
Do you want children ?
Most Colombian women will be ready to have kids
If, yes how many ?

Attractive latina woman from Colombia
How do you imaging your future with your foreign / American husband ?
What is your perception of the U.S ?
Where would you like to live and why ?
( Explain her where you live.)
Ask if she could imagine living in your home town.
If you demand it:
Are you willing to cook for and do the chores ?
If you already have kids and live alone:
Would you be willing to take care of my kids ?
Do you have a U.S. Visa ?
Do you have a passport ?
Only very few wealthy Colombians actually do have a passport. If she has a passport, chances a re good that she will have a U.S visa aswell. Colombians do not need a Visa to enter most European countries.
If she has a passport:
Have you ever been outside of Colombia?
Do you have any family or friends in the United States? If yes, you should verify this:
Where do you live ?
What do they do ?
Are you close to them ?
Where would you travel if you could go anywhere in the world? Why?
What was your favorite vacation? Why?
If you were to leave Colombia, what things would you miss the most?
If you were to leave Colombia and marry in the United States, how frequently would you expect to visit Colombia?
If you consider moving to Colombia:
If I were to move to Colombia in the next year, how would you feel about that?

Sexy latina from Colombia
Personal Attributes & Mental health
Do you get jealous easily?
Every latina is jealous by nature, but take care is she turns out to be TOO jealous and possesive that´s not a good sign.
How often does your mood change?
Can you give me a recent example of a rise and a fall in your mood?
Does you mood ever feel uncontrollable?

latina woman from Colombia
Do you drink alcohol, do drugs, or smoke ?
Very few Colombian women smoke and they are not frequent drinkers, so when they do drink they get intoxicated quickly.
Do you go to the gym ?
Do you do any other sports to stay fit ?
What were the major medical events in your life (diseases, operations, medical problems, abortions ( are still illegal in Colombia )?
Do you believe in God ?
Are you catholic or protestant ?
Most Colombians are catholic, about 10 % or less are protestans “christianos”.
Many Colombians that are protestans are members or “christian communities” just like in the U.S.
Do you go to Church ?