If you are seeking a latin wife you will have come across Latin Dating sites and  you will have noticed that there are basically 2 types of websites. Dating Sites and Marriage Agencies.


– The first type of websites are latin marriage agencies, that charge up to $ 10000 for so called Single Parties. These are parties where about 10 to 50 single men participate to meet around 100 women.

The membership fees are usually very high.  Unfortunately, many of these dating sites are 100 % fake and in the following section I will explain you how these marriage agency sites operate. A real marriage agency should guide and support you until you are married.

Your best choice is personal matchmaking, which has the highest success rate.
Most marriage agencies that operate with foreign women will only offer Single Parties.
These single parties are often even totally staged and they invite a bunch of payed models to participate.
The success rate of these Single Parties is low!

In some cases the women are not even interested in marriage with foreign men. They are just there because they are being payed. The promoters of these Single Parties just don´t care if you eventually will find a wife! This doesn´t only apply for latin marriage websites but also for eastern european and asian marriage websites. They only care about having as many guys as possible participating the Single Party, because its just a business for them.
Again, in the best case  you find a serious marriage agency that offers you a personal matchmaking.

Summary – Latin marriage agencies

– Support and guidance

– Higher success rate, especially when its personal matchmaking

– The women on the site are seriously seeking men for marriage
– Real profiles with real women (Given that the website is real)

– Expensive memberships and the costs for the tours.

– Staged Single Parties.



The second type of websites are latin dating sites which offer lower membership rates. On these websites you can create a profile and try on your own to chat with the exotic ladies. The drawbacks on this kind of sites are, that you are actually left alone in a website full of foreign women, where only a small percentage is able to communicate in English. On “normal” dating sites you dont have any support. You pay the 50 dollars or so and then you are left alone. As mentioned before, the language barrier alone can be a huge obstacle.

How do you know if the women on these dating sites are real? Its a fact that all mayor dating site operate with fake profiles just to make them look “bigger” in numbers. All female members of mycolombianwife.com are verified. This means that they have to send us their ID, in order to verify their authenticity. On the most big dating sites the members do not have to verify themselves, in some cases its optional.

Especially “Gold Diggers “, women from poor 3rd world countries that are just after some money know that. Gold Diggers don`t like to verfiy themselves, thats why our system is not attractive to them.

Also on normal dating sites you dont have any support in case that you actually found a good girl and want to marry her!?
Imaging yourself flying into a poor country, where about 98 % of the inhabitants do not speak your language, and your future bride only speak some words in English. Without professional support this plan can turn out to be quiet a challenge! We are active in the latin dating world for many years and we know that the success rate on most of these 9-to-5 dating sites generally very low. Of course there always are some exceptions.

Summary Latina Dating Sites

– low costs
– low risk

– low success rate
– many fake profiles
– gold diggers
– no support

Mycolombianwife.com is different
because we offer support, guidance and a personal matchmaking.
We are a Colombian dating site but also a marriage agency at the same time, combining the benefits of both for you. 

This means, you can start with a low membership fee to communciate with the women and have your emails professionally translated.

Then, if you consider traveling to Colombia to meet some women you have been contacting, you can decide if you book our VIP-Bogota-Tour, which includes a personal matching service with an American interpreter and tour guide. If you find your dream bride we will support you in all belongings until you are married!


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Please contact us in case you have a question regarding our services. CALL US AT: 347-983-0204 (U.S) Thank you!

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