Latin American Cupid review

Latinamericancupid is one of most, if not the most , visited website by men that are seeking Latin Single Women.

Latin american cupid is part of Cupid Media. Cupid Media is an online dating company that operates 35 niche dating websites based on religion, ethnicity, lifestyle and special interests. The network of sites are available in multiple languages and since its founding in 2000, over 35 million singles have registered across the company’s sites.

Other Notable Cupid Media sites include:

  • MilitaryCupid


Latin American Cupid

The article is about the clear advantages and downsides and even the risks of Latin cupid ( and other similar websites )

First of all your should know that this kind of online dating sites only work out for a very small number of men.

According to a study conducted by Sal Stein, a professor of psychology at Brighton University, traditional dating websites have a success rate of 0.3% helping people find serious relationships.

That is less than a half percent!

Now when it comes to traditional dating sites featuring foreign women, there are certain risks involved, compared to traditional dating sites featuring local women.
When it comes to traditional dating sites with local women, you kind of know what you are getting into. You know your local women.

Sites like Latin American Cupid are full of latina gold diggers, scammers and prostitutes that are just interested in money from naive gringos.

We “western men” just don´t know these foreign women.
Native Latinos, on the other hand exactly know their women and don´t fall for their BS stories, in order to get money from you.

This article is what you should take into consideration when you are about to join Latin American Cupid when you are actually seeking a Latin life partner and not just chatting to some Latinas online.

It`s a business model, which allures its clients with cheap monthly membership rates, but this kind of business model isn´t focused on actually helping you to find a wife.

Latin American Cupid

In my opinion these kind of dating websites are okay for American Women or European Women, although the success rates are low (0,3%), with local women you know what you are getting into.

Using this kind of dating sites for women from unsafe developing countries certain risks are involved.

Starting from losing money, time and hope.

In my job as a professional matchmaker, I have talked to hundreds of men, that have sent money to Latinas on LatinAmericanCupid.
By the time they contact me, most men have already lost hope in finding a latin wife.

After being “scammed” by several Latin girls, they have lost hope that there are any decent and honest latin women at all.

Latin American Cupid

I can assure you that there ARE still decent and honest women in Latin America, that are actually seeking a serious relationship.

However, sites like  LatinAmericanCupid are like a magnet for LOW QUALITY Latinas ( scammers, prostitutes and gold diggers).
Likes like Latin Cupid obviously do not have any screenings at all. They accept anyone.
The owners of Cupid Media do not care with what kind of low quality foreign women you end up.
They don´t care how many times you are being scammed and what happens to you if you fly to South America to look out for women there.

By the way, sites like Latin American Cupid are also risky for its female users, because they don´t know with which kind of criminals or psychopaths they end up.

On the other hand, there actually are many Latin women that are really looking of a serious relationship on Latin Cupid but they only find sex tourists ( or guys that are not interested in a serious relationship )

Sites like Latin Cupid want to make its users believe that it´s easy to find a latin wife on their own with an investment of just $20.

Let me tell you 99% of American and European men that are seeking a wife in South America do need professional guidance and support in order to be successful. 

General Thumb Rule: The less you spend the less you can expect

We will come to that later in this article.

Latin American Cupid


The advantages are:

Very cheap monthly memberships

You can send unlimited messages within the membership period.
There are other websites  charge about $7,50 or more for  EACH letter sent.
Compared to these sites LatinAmericanCupid is very cheap.


I´ts the biggest Latin women dating site. There are hundreds of Latin women profiles. ( The majority of women are from Colombia )

LatinAmericanCupid is not a scam

Some users complain about that their credit card has been charged twice and then their account has been closed.
In fact, this also happend to myself once, but the most important point, which I want to emphasize is that the vast majority of the female members are actually real !
Although, given that they do not have any screenings, there are also many fake profiles.
All major dating sites operate with fake profiles in order to attract clients. This is very common.

Real users can not be taken for granted in the world of Online Dating today
What I´m reffering to: LatinAmericanCupid is not a total scam. There are real women involved.
Other dating sites and others use fotos from models to create fake profiles.
At other dating sites you are not even talking to the girl that you see. You are talking to someone else, or chatbots.
These kind of sites are 100 % fake, no “real women” involved.


The down sides are following:

Quantity over quality

All kinds of low class Latin girls can create a profile for free. ( Prostitutes, gold-diggers ect. )

We always stress the importance of the social classes in Latin America.
What we mean by that is that not every latina woman from  is suitable for marriage with a “Gringo”.

There are quality and not so quality Latin women. At websites like LatinAmericanCupid chances are extremely high that you end up with  low class latin girls.

What we understand under low class Latin girls:
Latin girls from a very poor family background, without education or any respect.
These kind of girls are only interested in money.
Many of these girls  webcam girls, prostitutes or are even involved in criminal activities “scams”.

Due to the low salaries and the lack of opportunities in countries like Colombia, Colombia is a breeding ground for gangs and prostitutes.
A normal worker earns just 200 dollars a month. A prostitute or a gang member earns 200 dollars a day.

However they are only a small percentage of the entire Colombian population.

There also are serious  quality women in Colombia.

Latin American Cupid

Many fake profiles and no screenings at all

Many users have complained that Latin American Cupid is full of fake profiles.

The girls can create profiles, using pictures of other girls or in some cases even a guy can be behind the profile of the “hot latina”.

Some profiles are verified, but the truth is that about over 95 % of the female profiles are not verified.

At All female members have to send us a copy of their ID card to indentify themselves.

The down side for the Latin girls is that also criminals can join LatinAmericanCupid.

At we also check the criminal record of our male members. That´s one of the main reason why our service has such a good reputation and attracts more and more Colombian girls each day.

On Latin American Cupid it´s difficult to find quality Latin women that are really interested in a long term relationship or marriage.

Latin cupid

As mentioned before, LatinAmericanCupid ( and similar websites ) are full of low class Latin  women that are only interested in money or in a citizenship.
For men that than are actually seeking a Latin wife, it´s pretty difficult to find a suitable Latin woman interested in a REAL relationship.
Unfortunately in poor counties like Colombia, there are many girls that are only interested in money.
This is a phenomena that doesn´t just affect Colombia, but pretty much all poor countries.

Don´t get me wrong, I can guarantee you that Colombian women that are family-oriented and that are really seeking a serious relationship DO EXIST !

Our experience has shown that finding these jewels doesn´t depend on being only on being lucky, but expert support and guidance.

In fact, you have to get extremely lucky  to find a decent latin wife on sites like LatinAmerianCupid

Low quality Latin women often create some kind of relationship with the victim and will then come up with some kind of story in order to get some money.
In most cases its some kind of emergency, like a family member had an accident and she needs money for the hospital ect.
In 99 % of the cases its just a BS story to get some money.
These kind of women always have several guys “on the hook” at the same time in order to receive money from several sources.

Thumb Rule Number 2:

 “Don’t send money to women you haven’t met before in person.”

This should be common sense, but it still happens a hundred of times every day on Latin Cupid alone.

Some of these girls on Latin Cupid can even turn out to be dangerous.

Thumb Rule Number 3:

Don’t ever send them pictures of your privates with your face exposed.

Some of these “low quality” latinas will use these images to blackmail you for money.

There are many guys on LatinAmericanCupid that think they have a “Latina girlfriend”, because the girl talks to them everyday.

The truth is that in most cases these guys have NEVER even met the girl in real life  but the guy sends her money every month.
In many cases these girls even lie about their identity as well. They tell these guys that they have respectable professions and even own apartments ect.

These kind of low quality Latin women want to make you believe that they are not low quality.

Latin American Cupid

In Colombia and other Latin American Countries, its all about social classes and Latin American men know these kind of girls and would never date these kind of women.

In Colombia these kind of women are called “vividoras”. They have the fame to be lazy and to live off “donations” from different men.
This is like a job for these girls.

In fact Latin cupid is like a paradise for these girls because there are no screenings and an infinite number of naive gringos available.

You have to know that the Colombian minimum wage is 270 usd per month.
If 3 guys send 100 usd per  each month, she already earns more than a minimum wage.

latin american cupid

Flakiness of Latin Girls

A problem is that many Latin women are flaky as hell.
In Latin America things are not taken very seriously in general.
That´s still a big problem and the reason why many things just do not work.

I have talked to several guys that talked to Latin Girls on LatinAmericanCupid for a couple of weeks and then flew down to Colombia and the girl didn´t even show up !

This happens more often than you can imagine!

I know other cases where guys have sent Latin girls money for a flight ticket and the girl never showed up.
This is not as uncommon as you might think.
That´s an other story. I will get into detail on how to invite foreign women to your country correctly in an other article.

If the guy travels to Colombia just because of ONE girl and this girl doesnt show up, the whole trip is wasted.

At we get in charge that the Colombian girls show up on the dates that we organize.
We have all contact information of our female members and enough experience on how to deal with Colombian ladies in order to make them show up to the dates.


Latin American Cupid review – Conclusion:

Latin cupid surely is one of the better options when it comes to Latin Women Dating Sites.
However, certain risks are involved when using this kind of dating sites for foreign women from less developed countries.

1. What makes this kind of sites popular is the fact that Colombian women are really dying to get to know foreign men and the result is that
the response rate at sites like LatinAmericanCupid is higher compared to popular Dating Sites featuring local women like and ect.

Because of websites like Latin Cupid Colombian girls have the fame of being “easy”, which is partly true, but it isn´t that easy as you might think.

2. At sites like Latin American cupid you have hundreds of competitors.
You can imaging that attractive Latinas get tons of messages.

3. Volatility.  The common problem with these kind of Dating Sites is that most girls message back once ( or do not message back at all)  and that`s it.
Sounds familiar ?
Thats a very common “online dating” situtation.

That´s what it makes difficult to establish long term quality contacts for the majority of its users.
Once a girl receives a message from a younger and more attractive dude, all attention is gone.

4. Due to the above mentioned factors and the flaky nature of Latin girls it´s difficult to even set up ONE0 meeting with a Latin girl online.
If meeting up with ONE Latin girl can be difficult, meeting several Latin girls, will be a real challenge.
We always recommend meeting several Latin Girls, if you make it all the way to countries like Colombia.

With our Personal Matchmaking service you can  meet up to 12 potential candidates ( or more ) of your criteria that are interested in getting to know you.

5. Latin women are wonderful, but at a Dating Site like Latin American Cupid chances are extremely high that you end up with the wrong kind of Latin girls that just want to take advantage of you.

The money wasted is secondary, the real dilema are the emotions and time involved.

6. Although South America is a beautiful to visit and many things have improved in terms of security. Countries like Colombia still can not be considered a safe country to visit for the majority of American tourists.
There are certain risks involved. If you have never been to Colombia and you are not aware of the risks, we strongly recommend booking our Personal Matchmaking Service which to meet potential canditates in a safe environment.

7. Considering the mentioned factors, it will not be hard to believe that Latin American Cupid has a 2 out of 5 stars rating on sitejabber.


Fake reviews

If you google Latin American Cupid Reviews you will find some very positive Latin American Cupid Review.
Don´t be fooled. All these extremely positive reviews are paid by Latin American Cupid !

It is called: Online reputation management and is an important element for all online business, especially for dating site with millions of users.

Cupid Media knows that there are thousands of potential users , google for reviews and testimonials, before considering joining one of their dating sites.

If the only page these guys would find would be  the 2 out of 5 stars rating from sitejabber, they would loose many potential clients.

Here is an example:

Don´t take these kind of “reviews” seriously. They are no REAL reviews. They are just landing pages.

Read some real Latin America Cupid reviews here:

“Prostitution promoters BEWARE OF CUPID.COM SITES”

Latin Cupid and Colombian Cupid sites are filled with prostitutes, and their owners condone it. They will allow whores on the site and will charge members fees while the whores pay nothing. Then Cupid will remove you and keep your money while allowing the whores to stay. It’s absurd you report a whore in their site and they remove you and keep your membership dues. STAY AWAY FROM CUPID.COM SITES

“Full of scammers”

I’ve been on the site for a week now and I haven’t been able to chat to someone who isn’t a scammer. Bit of a joke really. My profile gets hammered with interest and favourites but sadly these are all from people who are trying to scam me for something. I don’t think I’ve seen a genuine profile on this site as yet.DO NOT PAY MONEY TO THIS SITE!!!

“Very sophisticated scammers”

Very sophisticated scammers are repleat on this site. The best and most beautiful of them will walk you through a relationship and all of the natural steps, building a Facebook profile for you telling them how much they love you and of course asking for money for the inevitable rent payment, cell phone
Sick mother, or any other million things. The unsophisticated ones will ask your money immediately. But the craftiest of them will slowly build a relationship and Bilk you out of thousands. Just bear in mind it as they’re building a relationship with you there doing it with 10 or 15 other men. They probably even cut and paste the replies. If you ever get a response it seems out of context that is why they’re managing numerous relationships at the same time. They are on dozens of sites and this is their full-time occupation they generally work together and There’ll be 10 or more girls hovering around a PC coaching each other on what to say. Remember they are very good at it. But they make mistakes. One day one of the girls accidentally switched her camera on and I observed this for a good 10 minutes. Often if you think you’re working two beautiful women at once?? Haha guess what they are working you together!!! And this is how they justify stealing because they say that you’re not honest anyway. This was an unbelievable stroke of luck on my case. I got to observe as they were telling each of several guys they were the only one and how they love them exclusively. Hahahaha. Don’t ever send them pictures of your privates with your face exposed, one unfortunate man was blackmailed for thousands of dollars he was married and the woman stalked him and threatening to send these pictures to all his friends on Facebook and his wife. 

“Hookers and Hackers”

I bought a membership on this site, within 12 hours my computer was infected by a virus from using the site
Most people are Hackers and scammers, plus HOOKERS.
I asked to cancel my account and for refund
They told me, no refunds and that the virus came from a email
I have proof the computer was infected from using the site
DON’T FALL for it, it’s full of Hackers

“Super dangerous”

I never met someone that really wanted something serious.. married men, scammers, phedophiles, human trafficking… you named it. The worse types are in these sites.. they lie about everything in their profiles. I never met anyone that was 100% honest.. you complain with the site and they don’t care.. 80% of Nigerian scammers pay the site..if interpol investigate Cupid media.. they would find a lot of $#*!

“Dont do business with this website either”

this site is hard to do business with offers no refunds has no customer service, and it would seem about 30% of its profiles are fake only takes certain re occouring payment methods and the site itself is hard to navigate. so I would be very careful of doing business with this site. just cant say a whole lot good about it it overall

Read more LatinAmericanCupid reviews here:

Thats why expert guidance and support is crutial for most foreign men that are interested in a serious relationship with Latin Women.

Stop wasting time with traditional dating sites or group romance tours with extremely low success rates.

Don´t leave your quest of finding your life mate to chance.

Find your latin wife of your dreams with MCW.

  Get Started Today

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