Colombia is one of the most exotic and beautiful countries on Earth. Many men feel attracted to Colombian women and some of you might have thought,which is the best way to meet them. In the following article I want to bring light into this topic and also on what you should pay attention  before considering meeting single women in Colombia.

Of course you could basically just fly down to Colombia and search for Colombian women on your own.
But there is a number of reasons why you shouldn´t do that.
Especially when:

1. You don´t know Spanish.
2. You´ve never been to Latin America before.

Please keep in mind that 95% of Colombian women do not speak any English at all.
This is due to the poor Colombian education system, where quality education is reserved for the 1-2% of rich kids that can attend one of the 3 good universities in Colombia.
Only very high class colombian women, with exceptional education will speak good English.

You as a “gringo” you would be flying into a 3rd world country where no one understands you. Also you don´t know anything about the country and its culture.

So its recommendable to first have some contacts online before meeting Colombian women.

Find a trustworthy Colombian-Dating-website!

First you should know that there are many 9-to-5 Dating sites for Russian, Asian, African and Latin women.

You pay for a membership, create a profile and send messages to the female members.
These 9-to-5 dating site do have their drawbacks.
– As mentioned before 95% of the Colombian women do not speak any English.
Do you speak Spanish fluently?
Stolen profiles with high quality photos from models, actresses and singers ect.
It could even be a Nigerian guy hiding behind the profile of the beautiful Latina!


Are they really seeking a husband, or are they just gold diggers or web-cam-models.
-The percentage of golddiggers and web-cam-models on this websites is very high!
Golddiggers will sometimes even show themselves on cam to proof that they “real” before they will invent a sad story and start asking you for money. Many female golddiggers are part of professional criminal organizations.



If you choose a GOOD marriage introduction agency like you won´t have to worry about the above topics.

– The gold membership of includes a UNLIMITED professional translation service, without any hidden costs or extra fees!

– We can guarantee you that all profiles are real, since the women have to send us a copy of their ID card at the inscription. We also try to be in touch as much as possible with our female members (via skype, email and phone)

-Since the women are informed that all email correspondece is monitored. Our system is not attractive for golddiggers or web cam models, since they know if they ask the clients for money or a webcam show they will be eliminated from the site. We have terms of usage and guidelines for our female members. This way we try to get control of the golddiggers problem.

Latin women are flaky

This is not only a problem with latin women, we have seen it happening in other countries aswell. You may write some letters with a women and they she wont repond anymore ,or will dissapear from Skype. Sometimes this doesnt even have to mean that they are not interested anymore. Some women are so busy with studying and working in serval jobs just to survive that they can forget to respond to an email. Sometimes the woman is ashamed to tell their real thoughts on the client, she would rather tell US what is really going on. Our clients can demand that we follow up on the women to find out what´s  happening. We do have serval phone numbers of our female members.

A trustworthy Dating-website should give you the opportunity to get in contact with sincere marriage minded single women. If there are any questions on the service or on other topics you should be able to get reach to someone for support.

 Fly to Colombia to meet the women.


Once you´ve established some contacts with latin women you may consider traveling to Colombia to meet them in person. Our staff and professional interpreters will  pick you up from the airport and guide and support you from the beginning unti the end of your stay. This is what makes our service a VIP serivce, where YOU are the center of all attention. Please be informed that the mayority of other marriage agencies only offer so called single parties where many men as possible attend to see a “model show” kind of event. Very different from our tour, where we will introduce you to the women of our agency on private one-on-one meetings. Interested on how to start dating Colombian Single Women?

Contact us now!

Concerns or questions?

Please contact us in case you have a question regarding our services. CALL US AT: 347-983-0204 (U.S) Thank you!

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