If you are seeking a marriage / matchmaking agency in Latin America, or particually in Colombia. You will have many websites / agencies to choose from. Here are some tipps, what to pay attention to, when seeking the best offer!

1. Does the website look professional?

Why would a serious business don´t even invest some dollars for a decent professional, up-to-date, website?


Does this look trustworthy to you ?

If you see a website like that one, close the window and google again.

Warning: Sometimes scam websites have excellent websites, but the mayority of scammers only want to invest the most necessary. They don´t want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in good looking professional websites!

Do the ladies on the website look good enough?

The women should look natural!


Now, thats a good sign. The ladies look natural.
Chances are good that these ladies actually are REAL and are members of that agency,
but look again, nothing against the ladies above,
but are these ladies really what YOU are seeking? Would you travel to Colombia to meet them?

Here an example of the ladies that look too good to be true…

1000% fake

Is the agency still in business?

Well you can send them an email or fill out the contact form and wait for their response.
If they do not reply within 2 working days it´s not a good sign.

Also it´s not a good sign if you see a “©2007 All Rights Reserved” at the bottom of the page when you open the website in the year 2015!


What do you actually get for your money ?


Make sure that it is very clearly declared on the website what you AND your buddy are getting for $750!

This is what you will need when you are seeking your future wife in Colombia:

Time: Spend at least 7 days in Colombia. Make sure that you need several women during these 7 days.
Interpreter: Since about 85% of Colombians do not speak English. You WILL need an interpreter during these 7 days.
Please be informed that even in Colombia professional interpreters do not work for free.
The average price for an interpreter in Bogota is about 120.000 Colombian pesos or about 50 USD per hour. Now you will probably need the interpreter more than 2 hours a day, and just the interpreter can cost you easily 700 USD for the week.
Lodging: If the Agency offers you to stay in the house they own, thats fine, but the question would be if that accommodation meets your standards ? If you are used to stay in 4-5 Star hotels, then staying in the agencies house in a simple bed probably doesn´t meet your standards.
Full support and guidance: If you are going to a third-world-country to look for women, there has to be someone arround  that you can trust. Someone who is always available, Someone who gives you important tipps and valuable advices.

Is there someone you can call?

Before makeing a reservation for a romance tour or such, it is recommended that you call the agency to find out who is behind it, and find out if they can answer your questions, if you have any.


 Website looks professional and modern. 

  The women look real and are not ALL models with implants!

  There are several ladies that meet your criteria (looks, age range ect…)

 Agency is still in business.

 Reasonable value-base pricing. (Not too cheap – Not too expensive)

 Clear description of what is offered and conditions

 Interpreter is included (unless you don´t need one)

 No hidden extra fees


 There is someone you can talk to

  Contact us now!


Concerns or questions?

Please contact us in case you have a question regarding our services. CALL US AT: 347-983-0204 (U.S) Thank you!

Contact us


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