Colombian Personals – Personals of Colombian Women seeking foreign men
Are you looking for Personals of Colombian Women ?
You have come to the right place.
Our ever-growing database is right now counting with over 3400 profiles of Colombian Single Women that are seeking a foreign life mate.
This means that when you become a member of you will have a huge database of Colombian Personals to choose form.
Let us explain you why our Women´s Profiles are not Colombian Personals in the actual sense and what the advantages over common Personals are.
1. Not just any Colombian girl can publish a Personal / Profile on our website.
We pre-screen our female members. That means that they have to send us a copy of their ID and fill out a questionary in order to qualify and indentify themselves.
With common Personals you never really know who is behind the personal.
2. The vast majority of our Colombian Personals have several pictures and the profiles are translated from Spanish into English.
3. Although the majority of our female members are located in the Colombian capital, we have Colombian Women Personals from all over Colombia.
Right now we are counting with over 4000 Colombian Women Profiles.
4. We help you to organize your meetings with our female members in Colombia.
Although Colombia is an amazing country to look out for women and there are really countless of stunning Colombian girls looking for a serious engagement with foreign men, traveling to Colombia by oneself is still risky, specially if you have never been to Colombia.
One of the main advantages of our service is that we help you to organize the meetings with our female members in Bogota.
Our service starts from assisting you in booking the best possible hotel ina safe tourist area, to organizing you 2-4 meetings per days in attractive and safe locations ( best coffeeshops and restaurants of Bogota )
5. We will provide your with your own personal interpreter and guide.
This way you will have the opportunity to converse with our female members, without the need of knowing Spanish.
Althought the situation has improved, unfortunately still to this day very few Colombians know English.
In fact there is only a very small percentage of Colombians that are are fluent in English. We also have some Colombian women that are fluent in English in our database,
but if you want to get the most out of your trip and converse with all our female members you will need to know Spanish or a personal interpreter.