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Drugged, robbed and killed and Medellin, Colombia – Why is it happening ?
Update: 01.03.24
Due to the series of armed robbies in restaurants at the beginning of February, the U.S. embassy has updated the travel advisory on the safety of travelling to Bogota, Colombia.
Please note that you will be totally safe, using our service. As always, we do not recommend anyone to travel to Colombia by himself.
We offer an airport pickup from the airport to your hotel ( in a safe area ).
Our meetings are held in safe restaurants, bars and cafes that have security guards.
300 cases of druggings and robberies in Medellin 2023 and about 30 have died. This is an increase of over 30 % compared to 2022.
Why this is happening ? Why this is happening in Colombia and why it is happening in Medellin.
And why with our personal matchmaking service you will be absolutely safe while meeting women in Colombia.
Basically the problem is getting in contact with the wrong kind of Colombian women
What do I mean with wrong kind of Colombian women ? Colombian women that are criminal and work with criminal gangs that have the main focus on robbing foreign tourists. Foreign tourist due to the lack of knowledge of Colombian culture, cannot identify this kind of women. If you know my podcast or my blog you know that I strongly recommend not using apps do not meet women on your own in Columbia because it is very dangerous.
The only safe way of meeting women in Columbia is through a trustworthy agency like An agency that’s screens it members that makes background checks. Women that have criminal intentions and work with criminal gangs they do not join matchmaking agencies because they have to identify themselves, their background is being checked and we check if they have police records. Criminal Colombian women love using apps ( like Tinder ) to stay anonymous. At these apps there’s no external entity that will check the backgrounds or their activity.
So let’s get back to the topic why this is happening in Colombia and almost exclusively in Medellin.
There are over 300 active gangs in Medellin and some of these gangs are specialized on robbing foreigners using young and attractive Colombian women. Medellin is a very criminal City where a very high percentage of women actually are prostitutes and a high percentage of young men are members of gangs.
It is pretty much the capital of drug lords in the world. Very few have normal jobs they are very few opportunities. Colombia is a very poor country and Medellin is one of the poorest cities in Colombia.
You have to know that is it going for for some years now, it its nothing new. Only last year due to rise of American tourists in Medellin ( 450 000 tourists in 2023 ) these kind of cases have gone up aswell.
I have been constantly warning about this situation in my podcasts and articles.
For me the rise of this kind of cases, also have very much to do with the rise of the inflation the cost of living here in Colombia. In the last 2 years poverty has increased here, when poverty increases, unfortunately the crime rate will rise as well.
Now I also have to mention that Medellin is one of the Mekkas for sex tourists in the world.
You can find prostitutes for about $7 and the bag of cocaine is included in the price.
Here at we do not promote sex tourism we are only interested in working with marriage-mind the gentleman that are looking for a Colombian wife, but you get the idea why many American tourists like to visit Medellin.
Not all of them are looking for prostitutes some of them are only looking for hookups.
Many of these women are not direct prostitutes but they’re willing to date foreign men in exchange of a meal or some financial help. Many women on Tinder in Colombia don’t appear as prostitutes they appear just as normal women. They even appear as lawyers or doctors.
They have one thing in common, they always accept a direct invitation to an AirBnB apartment. Many guys that go to Medellin follow certain YouTube channels with self-proclaimed experts telling them how to date Medellin women. The dangerous thing is to take advise from this kind of fake experts. They will make you believe that if you follow their safety tips you will be totally safe in Colombia.
It is very likely that many American tourists that have gone to Medellin and have been robbed or even killed, were followers and have listened to the advise certain self-proclaimed experts and youtube.
There’s one group of men that go to Medellin that do not know anything about the risks of dating women through apps
and there’s another group that are somehow aware of the risks but they think they can handle the risk themselves.
Many don’t even know what scopolamine is. They think that it’s some kind of date and rape drug that is also commonly used in the United States. They think that they will be totally okay if they just check their drink. But Scopolamine can be given in many ways and not just by putting it in a drink. It a powder it can be blown into the victims face, or you can get drugged by socopolamin just by touch.
Almost no one is aware of this and this is what makes Scopolamine such a dangerous drug. It makes the victim do everything he’s told the intention of these criminals is wiping out the victim’s bank account. Not just stealing his phone or his computer. Many victims that were lucky and have not been killed have lost a lot of money.
So what I always say and what I always will say. I do not recommend anyone to come here and to meet women by himself. If you’re a sex tourist I don’t even recommend you to come here to Colombia you can go to another country and be absolutely safe.
As mentioned, we are only interested in working with marriage minded men that are looking for a Colombian wife.
So if Colombia has these kind of safety problems why should someone even consider Colombia to find a wife in this country ?
If you’re looking for a wife in Colombia with our service you will be absolutely safe. We have worked with countless of men over 12 years now. Nothing has ever happened to them due to our high security standards. We are experts when it comes to security in Colombia. You will be absolutely safe and we will introduce you to the right kind of Colombian women. Women that are looking for a serious relationship women that are marriage-minded.
The danger in Colombia is meeting the wrong kind of Colombian women and when you come here to meet women on your own, chances are high that you eventually will end up with the wrong kind of Colombian women.
Criminals would never join our agency because we do very profound background checks. We decide the location of the dates and they’re always in a safe environment a personal guide and translator will be always present during the meetings.
Colombian women that have criminal intentions, want to stay anonymous. They don’t want to be supervised. They don’t want any external party to know what they are doing.
By providing this kind of service in a country like Colombia we have a very high responsibility the safety of our clients is very important to us.
So if you’re interested in finding a Colombian wife and you have some questions free to contact us now by filling out the form below. We will get in touch as soon as possible.