The mysterious lost city was hidden in the wide jungle of Colombia for more than a thousand of years. Only way to access it is by a 44 km trek. Built in 800 AD treasure hunters discovered it orginally in the 70s.


The hiking path to the lost city usually takes about five to seven hours. It includes knee deep water crossing. Then finally after walking up the 1 800 steps you will enter the “Lost City”.

As the spanish people discovered “The Lost City” everything  changed for the native people and they had to flee to a higher region of the mountain.
Later on it was discovered by tombraiders who found gold on certain places. About 5 000 to 10 000 people lived here. The city itself includes over 12 000 square meters. The recent guardians of the lost city are the Kogis. They see themselves as descendants of the Tayrona people. They call La Sierra Nevada “the heart of the world”.

Watch this impressive and beautiful video of the Lost City of Colombia Part 1:

YouTube video

and Part 2:

YouTube video

Hiking in the dense jungle, bathing in waterfalls and camping. The ideal place for adventure seeking tourists. Take the native people called “Kogi” as a tour guide throughout this journey. The Kogi see themselves as the direct descendants from the Tayrona people. On the top of the mountain you will find the ruins of this ancient people. You will love it.

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