In the following article I´m going to explain why Colombia is such a great country if your are seriously seeking a latin wife.
First off, let me tell you why Colombia isn´t the right place if you´re only looking for fun:
There’s several cultural differences that make pick-up in Colombia much harder. For example everyone in Colombia goes in huge, mixed-set groups to clubs and bars where they sit down for the entire night. In America you’ll always have pairs of girls mingling in bars that make it much easier to approach them. In Colombia you can’t use the strategy of waiting until the weekend to go out and hit on girls because there very well may be too few targets for you to try on. This is because of the general insecurity of the country. Girls won´t go to bars and sit around by themselves, but in small groups always accompanied by guys for protection. The guys are usually family members or school mates. Those circles are very close and the fear of other people doesn´t allow anyone to penetrate. Therefore the day game is much more important in Colombia. Even internet pick-up plays here, something I’ve never bothered with in the States. Most Colombia women are very insecure and distrustful, this is something deeply connected in their culture. Internet dating is still a new phenomena in Colombia, this is the main reason why they are distrustful about just meeting someone, they have met online.
Many women that direct themselves to already trust us, because word to mouth propaganda has already spread among Colombian women. They trust us in the sense that we offer them quality gentlemen with serious intentions.
Many Colombian girls are flakey, but not only the girls, practically everyone is. This is because nothing is taken too serious in Colombia. If you make an appointment with a plumber, its quiet possible that he won´t appear in 4 or 5 cases.
Also guys are flakey with girls. Everyone is flakey with everyone. Thats just the way it is.
But not all women are flakey! Some are even surprisingly punctual!
(Bogota women are the least flakey by the way)
In Colombia it’s important to establish a solid connection before you get her number to decrease flaking, which takes us to our actual point.
Why is Colombia such a great country if you´re seeking a wife?
Understanding the values and the needs of Colombian women
Colombian Girls are very family oriented. Many of them have failed to create a “happy family” with a caring and responsible husband and 1 o 2 kids, because most Colombian men don´t want to have a family these days. Once they find out that things are gettings serious, Colombian guys dissapear.
Most Colombian Women have had negative experiences with men during their lifetime.
Colombian girls start to be sexually active at a young age, but the cultural and religious bonds don´t allow her to
accept open minded relationships, which are totally normal to American & European girls in the same age.
Thus the Colombian male has to pretend that he loves her and only her. Which gives the young and naive Colombian girl hope that the guy will stay be with her until the rest of her lifetime, which very rarely happens.
So you can take for granted that most Colombian Girls have been dissapointed by Colombian guys during their lifetime.
Colombian Women see in foreign men the highest potential to meet their expectations.
Foreign men are seen as honest, sincere, respectful, family oriented ect. They are just seen as the perfect husbands.
Everything they KNOW they can not find in 90 % of Colombian guys.
Even young Colombian Women just have other values, than women in America or Europe.
A Colombian woman just wants to form a nice family with a respectful, sincere and caring husband,
while American Girls just want to have a fun and go for looks and material things.
So, now you might think that you would be quiet popular in Colombia as a foreigner.
In general yes, but Colombian women are very preventive with foreign men, because they have such high expectations that the foreigner will actually have serious intentions with her.
They are so preventive because they have never experienced someone with serious intentions in their life. They just can´t believe its actually true.
This is why it takes time and dedication to convince her that you want to get serious with her, but once you´ve managed to convince her, you´ll have a beautiful wife, willing to sacrifice everything for the good of her family and the relationship.
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