Dating marriage-minded and family-oriented Bogota women in Colombia with the Personal Matchmaking Service of

Are you interested in dating Latin women ? Are you seeking a Latin wife ?
Find out why Bogota women might be the best option for you.

Bogota is the capital of Colombia and located right in the heart of Colombia.

First of all you need to understand that Latin Women that live in the U.S. are very different from NATIVE Latinas from countries like Colombia.
Latinas from countries like Colombia are “Native Latinas”.

What I understand under “Native Latinas”:
Latinas born and raised in Latin America.
Latinas that are not americanized.

Are you intersted in meeting Colombian women that are seeking a serious relationship ?


“Native Latinas” are very simple and traditional women and much less emancipated than Latinas born and raised in the U.S.
Latinas born and raised in the U.S. are pretty much like every other American girl. Only very few still value the traditional role of a woman, family and a loyal husband.

If you are an older gentleman and you are looking for a younger and still attractive Latina, you will have a hard time finding a Latina with the mentioned features in the U.S. willing to marry you,
while in countries like Colombia you definitely have chances to find such a Latina wife. We will get more into that later.

However, this article is about why you should check out Bogota Colombia Women if you are interested in finding a woman from South America for marriage.

Many latin countries are full of beautiful attractive women, but most Bogota women  have some educational background and class, which is rare in Latin America.

Poverty and lack of education is omnipresent in all Latin America, with some exceptions like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and parts of Brazil like Sao Paulo.

member: @katherineleon from Bogota

You might wonder, why it is important that your future Latin wife has some educational background and class.

The truth is that the majority of single men that consider marriage with a women from Latin America are exclusively body focused.
They don´t even care of the Latina can even read as long as she has some breast and butt implants.

While the physical aspects are important, if you consider a long term relationship or marriage there should be more than just a body.

An educational background and the family background is very important when it comes to Colombian women.
The most popular destinations in Colombia are Medellin, Cartagena and Cali.
The majority of men that are interested in Colombian women visit one of the upper mentioned cities.
Colombian women from these cities are often very poor and have no educational background at all. Many women that you will meet there will even be prostitutes.

I´m not saying that all Bogota women are extremely educated and “middle class” but compared to most women in other parts of Colombia they are.
Pretty much all universities of Colombia are located in Bogota.

member: @milena46464 from Bogota

An other point in favor of Bogota women is that they have a less fiery and scandalous character compared to colombian women in other cities like Medellin.

Latinas in general are known to have a dominant hot-tempered personality. Bogota women on the other hand have a more balanced temper and are much less dominant, almost obedient.
Where a Paisa woman ,Medellin women, can cause a agruement out of nothing ,in most cases out of jealously. Bogota women are much more calm and centered.
Bogota men are calm, dominant and macho and are very demanding when it comes to women. They wouldn´t tolerated such a hot tempered scandalous character.

You have to understand that Bogota is a different culture. Where in most parts in Colombia it´s all about drinking and dancing to salsa (now reggaeton) the Colombians in Bogota are a little more cultured. Their character is different.

So, this is another important point that make Bogota women more compatible for foreign gentleman.

An other mentionable fact is that 95% of the prostitutes IN Bogota are from other colombian cities.

Bogota women have a different culture, compared to women from Medellin, Cartagena and Cali.
While in Bogota its all about studying and pursuing some kind of career in cities like Medellin its more about breast and butt implants.

Men in Bogota value Bogota women that study and strive to obtain some kind of higher earning potential.
Salaries are very low in Colombia and the cost of living is high. Couples in Colombia depend that both partners work, while women in regions like Medellin and not so “hard-working” to say the least.

They only take care of their bodies in order to attract men to support them financially.
Of course there also are women that are not like that in Medellin, Cali and other Colombian cities but in GENERAL most Bogota men would agree with me.

Are Bogota Colombian women attractive ?
women from bogota colombia
Our member Angela.

By the way, Bogota women do also have attractive bodies, but they do not expose their bodies like colombian women in the already mentioned regions.
Remember that Bogota women have some class ?

That is exactly what I mean. Trust me they also have attractive bodies, but they have no breast and butt implants, because among Bogota women this would be considered as cheap and vulgar.

While is it normal is civilized countries for women to dress sexy and even cheap and vulgar, in countries like Colombia “decent Colombian girls” do not dress like that.

Bogota women dress more elegantly and stylish.
Well, of course the colder climate is also a reason WHY women in Bogota do not dress like women in Medellin or Cali.

Although it is a pretty bold statement, but you could say Bogota women are a little more western like compared to Colombian women from other regions.

By now you may guess what my key message is here.

It pretty much depends on her attitude and her mindset.

There are Colombian women that are suitable for marriage and there are others that are absolutely not !

Bogota women that want to make an effort to study and work, in order to obtain a higher income to support their partners.
This attitude of most Bogota Colombia women is very rare in other parts of Colombia.

Bogota woman
members: Alexandra from Bogota

The “normal” Colombian girl from Medellin or Cali or Cartagena, are all about exposing and tuning their bodies in order to attract for men to support them financially.
Their main focus in life is not pursuing some kind of independency, a job or a career.

That is why Colombia has such a low marriage rate, because Colombian men are very wary of women that just want to obtain financial support.
However, Colombia has at same time an extremely low divorce rate. That means that if Colombians marry they really make sure that they marry the right Colombian girl.
A Colombian girl that really values marriage and does everything in her power to contribute something to the marriage, in order to make it work.

Now you could say that you don´t care unless she has some physical attributes, but let me tell you just because she might be acceptable for a “short term relationship” to put it mildly, it doesn´t mean that she is also suitable for a long term relationship or marriage.

That is the very reason why our clients value our Personal Matchmaking Service in Bogota, Colombia.

Many of them have already tried to look for a colombian wife in the mentioned other regions ( Medellin, Cali, Cartagena ) by themselves and until they have used our matchmaking service,
they all thought that ALL women in Colombia are the same.

If you are curious about what I mean, just make a quick youtube search with following keywords:
Cali colombia women
medellin women
cartagena women

In fact millions of men that are seeking a colombian wife watch these videos on youtube with all these colombian women standing around in the streets and they think the only thing they need to do is just fly there and they will find a wife in no time !
What they do not realize is that these are the wrong women.


A real relationship, a relationship should be based on mutual support. Not just a woman that just wants to take advantage of the guy faking real interest in a relationship.
These kind of relationships are not real and will not last.

There has to be a genuine interest in a real relationship from both sides.

The problem is that, all these scam sites and singles tours providers are selling you the lie that smoking hot young latinas are interested in a real relationship with just any gringo, regardless of his age or looks, intentions and personalities.
That is not true.

The truth is that in Colombia it IS POSSIBLE to find a younger and more attractive wife, but everything has to be within healthy boundries and with professional support and guidance in order to get access to the right Colombian women in the first place.

I can assure you that the women from our agency are looking for a real relationship, that is why they do not accept to meet just ANY gringo regardless of the age or looks.

Don´t worry, as mentioned already, I can assure you that we always have younger and attractive ladies wanting to meet our clients.

The difference here that it is real and that the women you will meet will be selected and have expressed genuine interest in getting to know you as a potential candidate for marriage.

Are you intersted in meeting Bogota women that are seeking a serious relashionship with a foreign man ?

The first step is a free and nonbinding consultation where we get to know your individual situation and preferences, determine if our service might be a good fit and how we might be able to assist you step by step in finding a latin life partner

Take advantage now of our free consultation offer to learn about what value we can provide you.

– Let us go through your expectations and criteria you are seeking in a woman.
– Get insider information on the online dating and matchmaking world.
-Get an overview of the safety and dangers in Colombia.
– Discover the possibilities and advantages  that our personal matchmaking service can provide you.
– Find out if our service is a good fit for you.

Please use following form to book a free  consultation to learn about your individual situation and determine how we might be able to work with you moving forward.

If you are interested in finding a Latin life mate please fill out the form below, let us know which day and time range is most convenient for you and we will contact you to schedule the appointment for a free consultation.
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