Matiz, which is considered one of the best restaurants in Bogota, the restaurant features 4  different settings and 4 different menus for the convenience of its guests: the traditional menu, the seasonal recipes, the wine card, the cocktails and drinks, and dessert and cigars. The staff is very professional and attentive and the restaurant has a lounge area on the second floor where you can enjoy comfortable seating, some contemporary music and striking decor. Matiz’s liqueur menu offers 19 special and unique cocktails, which include a wide range of tropical fruits that blossom in Colombia.
Address:Â Calle 95 #11A-17, Chico, Bogota, Colombia.
Phone:Â (1) 5202003
Cuisine:Â Colombian, Mediterranean, Contemporary, Pacific, Peruvian.
Average menu price:Â $25USD.
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