Mexican women

Characteristics of Mexican Women

Not for nothing have Mexican women have won the title of the most beautiful women in the universe twice (Lupita Jones and Ximena Navarrete), but what are those characteristics that make Mexican girls so irresistible?

Mexican women are always involved in strange rituals.

The tradition is stronger than any logic and that has helped Mexican women preserve some interesting customs. Mexicans claim not to really believe in these things, but they practice them anyway, it will not be! Some examples? Pregnant Mexican women  often use a red ribbon or some metallic object (a clothes insurance or keys are usually enough) when an eclipse of the moon approaches, to defend their unborn children from the evils of astronomy; they also tend to possess an excess of red and yellow breeches that reflect their desire for true love or money for the New Year (depending on urgency); and there are some others who buy an image or stamp of San Antonio de Padua, they prepare an altar with a pair of candles, and they place it on their head until it makes them the miracle of getting the perfect man.

Mexican Women
Priscila Perales is a Mexican actress, model

Mexican women all have a peculiar relationship with their mothers.

The psychological consequences of having been raised by a Mexican mother are present in all Mexican women, but that does not mean that theycan not have a functional relationship with them as good adults. In fact, both men and women develop a strong attachment to the mother and family, but the relationship that ensues is very different. The relationship between mother and daughter is a constant transition between absolute love and hatred. The closer they are, the stronger and more evident these changes are and it is common to misinterpret the complexity of the relationship if we rely on a specific observation of their coexistence. They are like best friends who occasionally have some misunderstandings … some terrible and hormonally dramatic misunderstandings.


Mexican women have extreme makeup skills.

There is no general pattern when it comes to the amount of makeup that Mexican women use. Something between discreet and moderate is the usual in most cases, but a trip in Metro is enough to realize that there is always someone who supports the “clown style”. What all Mexican women share advanced makeup techniques. From the eyelash, to the amazing ability to make perfect strokes with the eyeliner while traveling standing in a microbus without shock absorbers, all evaluated through a blurred mirror that is also half broken.

I also want to recognize the patience and expertise of those women who transform each of their nails into small masterpieces, even though most of the time they end up looking like miniature wedding cakes. They are the best!

Mexican Women

Famous actress and model Bárbara Mori

Mexican women are very passionate …

Under normal circumstances they tend to be the most loving, consenting and loving women in the world. Anyone who has – or has had – a Mexican Women as girlfriend knows that the level of their displays of affection can vary from very high to almost suffocating, which is pretty good. Who does not like to be stifled by love? Mexican women have each and every attribute that anyone could want


Mexican girls are an authority on healthy lifestyles.

And I do not mean that little problem that Mexicans have with self-medication, that’s another matter. Mexican women are the best when it comes to home remedies: honey with lemon or mullein for the throat, chamomile for stomach pain and to sleep, valerian for nerves, and aloe for everything else. Nothing resists the onslaught of teas and herbal infusions. Nothing!.


Mexican women love to party and they know how to have fun.

If the Mexican women could be defined in a word, that word would be happy. They are friendly, scandalous and are always willing to have a good time and dance until the body endures given the opportunity, and there are many opportunities!

Mexican Women
Maite Perroni is a Mexican actress, singer and model

Do you Mexican girls always arrive late?

I’m not going to blame all mexican girls for this stereotype (I know that all Mexicans strive to arrive in time), but they have to admit that they have some habits that play a fundamental role. Let’s start with that habit of saying that they are ready when they have not decided what shoes to wear. When a Mexican woman claims to be ready to leave, the only thing she is doing is giving a little bit of rope to the patience of the person waiting for her. If she still does not have her bag in her arm, the departure is not as close as she claims.

Mexican women have historically been recognized for their strong and rebellious temperament

Motherly love

Even if they hit you with a flip-flop, even if they tell you phrases such as “What do your friends do not want at home?” And “Is not it true that you take children who behave badly?”, The mother is respected and is the highest authority.

Mexican girls are masters of multitasking

Mother, driver, friend, boss, accomplice, social fighter, worker, head of family, daughter, sister, they are all in one. Mexican women can be anything.

Mexican Women
Blanca Soto is a Mexican actress, model

Physical features of Mexican women?

– Dark and expressive eyes.
– Round face, it is certainly not true for  all Mexican girls. There are also girls with oval and rectangular face shapes.
– They have very beautiful shaped eyebrows.
– They are also well-known for their hot curvy figure.
– Most of the females have a brown skin, while light skinned girls are very rare in Mexico. Mexicans are mainly of Indigenous ancestry although the majority are also mixed with other ethnicities; only 5–10% of the population is mainly European.

Mexican women are kind

We have a good heart heart. We care even for the stranger who sat next to us. Mexican girls are supportive, always helping those who need it.

Mexican girls are fighters

Mexican women always find a way. In the face of any adversity, they find the positive side.

Mexican Women
Ana de la Reguera Mexican actresses


Family is first. There is no Mexican woman who does not think about all her offspring when she makes a decision. Sundays are reserved, and if you do not believe me, ask them.


Emotional intelligence

Mexican women have an enormous emotional intelligence, and although some do not understand it, their cry is one of solidarity, strength and sensitivity. Mexicans do not have the best telenovelas for nothing.


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