How Much Do Matchmaking Services Cost?
Matchmaking Services have exploded into an estimated $1 billion industry. Popular Reality shows like “Millionaire Matchmaker” give the industry free publicity while making it more mainstream.
About 2,000 professional matchmakers are estimated in the US, with new businesses starting up every day.
There are plenty of options to choose from.
The question is which one to choose ?
And you’ll notice prices vary from Matchmaking Service to Matchmaking Service, which leaves you asking, “What’s a reasonable amount to pay?”
There’s upscale and then there’s really upscale Matchmaking Services.
Once you start looking for a matchmaking service, you’ll quickly realize that prices vary from around a 1000 dollars to well into the 6 figure range.
Janis Spindel, an elite matchmaker in New York City, charges as much as $500,000 for a package including credit and background checks, home visits, psychological testing, and personal interviews with each potential match
However the typical price range for matchmaking services in the U.S. is $15000 – $30000.
One of the best investments you can make in life is investing in finding the love of you life, but make sure you choose a quality service that works for you.
So what exactly do I get for the money I’m investing in Matchmaking Service in th U.S. ?
When you hire a Matchmaking Service in the U.S., part of what you pay will go towards all the typical operating costs like the matchmaker or agency’s rent, salaries and office supplies.
Our Matchmaking Service is located in Bogota, Colombia, thus we have lower operating costs and can offer your a upscale quality service for less money
Many matchmaking services like us offer additional services such as image consulting, dating coaches, guide and even interpreters.
Another cost factor will be whether you want a local, national, or international search, with the price tag increasing in that order. For instance, one Chicago-based matchmaking service charges $25,000 for 7 to 10 dates within a year’s worth of service. The price increase depending on how many additional cities that you want to add.
In Comparison: Our Matchmaking Service charges less than $4000.
Why are U.S. based Matchmaking Services so expensive ?
As mentioned already, U.S based Matchmaking Services have high operating costs, because they are based in the U.S, but in my opinion Matchmaking Service that charge more than $25000 or so are just taking advantage of it.
Basically, the more the matchmaking services charge and the better presentation and marketing budget they have, the wealthier clients they will attract.
There will be always someone ready to pay $500.000 for a service because the service is based in New York and has a nice office and convincing publicity.
Upscale Singles associate high prices with luxury.
The more you pay the more and can expect ?
Is this really true ?
Well, lets take free dating sites or popular dating site for instance. You can not really except much for a $30 membership. I can tell you that.
You have to be extremely lucky and invest and enormous amount of time to succeed with free or cheap online dating sites.
Upscale singles usually are extremely busy do not have an enourmous time to spend on online dating sites, that´s whay they are looking for Matchmaking Services that will do all work for them.
Upscale Singles actaully think that popular online dating sites are full low class singles – which is partly true of course !
That´s why the higher prices for dating services are justified, because it requires and significant amount of work and several people are involved.
What you have to know
Most Matchmaking Services in the U.S., no matter much they will cost, will just introduce you to random women of their agency.
You firm a contract, pay the 15 grand and the elite matchmaking service will be committed to introduce you to 6 women in 6 months or so.
Will these 6 women have seen your personal information and pictures?
You can not take this for granted. In many cases the agency will just pick any random female member which is available.
I have talked to men that have paid $15000 or services like “I´ts just lunch” and they have been introduced to older business ladies that only talked about themselves and had zero interest.
This is something which seems to be very common.
At you will only meet Women that have seen your photos and personal information and that are really interested in getting to know you.
Local matchmaking services do not work out for everyone !
For many men the problem number one are the local women themselves.
Why are you hiring a matchmaker in the first place ?
Because it´s very difficult to find a suitable partner in your local area or country !
The root of the problem is the local dating scene itself.
No matter how mcuh you pay for a local matchmaker, they will only be able to introduce you to the local women.
I can not stress this enough, but for many American Men the root of the problem are the local women themselves.
This is something the American Matchmakers won´t tell you, of course.
Many women in the U.S. or Canada and the wealthier European countries have too high expectations.
Many of them are so brainwashed by society and media that they do not even know what they want.
They are always looking for Mr. Perfect, but he never shows up.
They have no traditional family-values, values that are requires in order that a family can work out.
They divorce or seperate out of the most ridiculous reasons.
A family or even a relationship can not work out like that.
Without sounding Macho, but women need to have some kind of tolerance level, in order that a long term relationgshp or marriage can work out.
Foreign Women have following things in common:
They are able to do or endure basically anything in order to make their family function.
A functional family is their life goal.
In less developed countries like Russia or South America, the function of woman is to serve her man and bear him at least 2 kids.
In a woman fails with her duties, and is always single or divorces, she is discriminated by her family and society.
Now Russia for instance her very high divorce rate with over 60 %
Russia is a country where every second marriage ends in divorce, making it an international leader in this category.
Life in Russia is hard in general: salaries are low, work is hard; people simply can’t enjoy life in such conditions – a search for income, and not love, occupies their thoughts.
In Russia, in most cases, its not the women that want to divorce its Russian Men that iniciate the divorce.
Experienced lawyers and attorneys will terminate the marriage without your presence, without spouse’s consent, even if a couple has children.
So, its very easy to get divorced in Russia.
My point is that Russian and also other foreign women are conditioned to endure almost ANYTHING in order to make a marriage work out, because marriage is their ultimate
only life goal.
Russian Women usually only consider a divorce in extreme cases of domestic violence and Vodka country Russia also has a serious domestic violence problem.
One nationwide poll shows that about 40 percent of Russian woman cite spousal alcohol addiction as the reason for their breakup.
The U.S. Divorce rate is about 50%
This is pretty high already, but not as high the russian divorce rate of over 60%.
What are the most common reasons for divorces in the U.S. ?
Money problems and violence like in Russia?
No, of course these problems are also present in U.S. families but not to such an enourmous scale like in Russia.
Americans get divorced due to infidelity.
Colombia, the most popular country in Latin American, in terms of foreign brides, has a divorce rate of 30 % which is significatly lower.
Colombian families also has similar money and violence problems like Russia.
Colombia has even worse problem with violence against women like Russia. Colombian women have a higher tolerance level in that sense.
So why do Colombian Families do not get divorced that often?
According to a 2006 research report Colombia has one of the lowest divorce rates in all of the Latin American countries. By contrast the USA has one of the highest in the world with 54% of all marriages ending in divorce. But my concern is obviously about an American man and a Colombian woman.
An unofficial survey showed that such a marriage had a 90% chance for a lifetime of success, which makes it one of the best in the world.
Colombians just don not get married that much.
It is very difficult for a Colombian women to find a Colombian man interested in marriage.
Due to the low salaries ( an other reasons ) most Colombian men do not want to get married in the first place.
The ones that consider marriage are very picky and date and analyse potential women very thoroughly before considering marriage.
In some cases marriage-minded Colombian men live together with their potentials spouses for several years, before marriage.
The Colombian woman has to prove that she is qualified for marriage.
Most Colombian couples just live together.
Furthermore, Colombian women have a very high tolerance level.
As mentioned before, some tolerance is necessary in order to keep the family together, but some Colombian women even endure massive domestic violence, which is not good.
When it comes to marrying a Colombian Woman, you have to make sure that you will many one of the Colombian gems.
The ones that Colombian men consider worthy to marriage. Thats when we come into play.
When you catch a good Colombian woman, you can count that she will be family-oriented and dutiful to the core
Many American gentlemen are looking for Matchmaking Services that feature foreign women
Many men in the U.S. and Europe have totally given up on dating local women and are mainly interested in foreign women as a life partner.
The main reasons are following:
1. In foreign countries they have much higher chances to find much younger and more attractive women.
The local dating scene only offers them, older and unattractive women. Women that are not in shape.
2. Many gentlemen that come to us are in the 45+ age range and they still wish to have children, which would be impossible with local women in their age range.
3. They are looking for traditional family-oriented women, which first priority is to keep the family together.
4. They are looking for women that behave like women and that know how to treat a man.